Research with integrity – GenAi, paper mills and inclusivity

As the global research integrity community came together for the 8th World Conference on Research Integrity, we asked: what are the big issues and what can we do to tackle them? Andrew Porter and the team give us the low-down from the front line of research integrity.

Fake academic papers are on the rise: why they’re a danger and how to stop them (english version)


Les faux travaux académiques se multiplient : pourquoi ils représentent un danger et comment y mettre fin (french version)

An eye-opening Editorial by Lex Bouter on “The Conversation” about the rising threat of fake academic papers and its dire consequences for research and society.
These issues, as well as others related to protecting the integrity of research and building trust in it, will also be discussed during the 8th World Conference on Research Integrity.

Lead Author Lex Bouter
Co – Author Natalie Simon

From Singapore to Athens via Hong Kong: The Itinerary of Research Integrity from Scientific Research to Real-life Applications and Policy Making

Scholarly Kitchen has just released an insightful guest post on the WCRI2024 Focus Track!
Join Panagiotis Kavouras, Eleni Spyrakou, Maura Hiney, and Daniel Barr
as they unravel the fascinating journey from Singapore to Athens via Hong Kong, exploring the intricacies of research integrity in scientific research and its real-life impact.

Panagiotis Kavouras, Eleni Spyrakou, Maura Hiney, and Daniel Barr

Safeguarding research integrity

The latest editorial from The Lancet, titled “Safeguarding Research Integrity,” underscores the critical concern surrounding a significant increase in retractions in 2023, surpassing 14,000 papers—setting a record as the highest number observed to date.
The editorial sheds light on various noteworthy initiatives responding to the emerging challenges to research integrity, with particular emphasis on the 8th World Conference on Research Integrity #WCRI2024

The Centre of Research Integrity in the heart of Athens

On 8 June 2023, a scientific symposium entitled “Why Research Integrity Matters” was organized in Athens. Let’s take a look at the proceedings of this special symposium, which gathered Research Integrity experts from around the world.

Panagiotis Kavouras
School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens


Crossing the “valley of death”

The transformation of a scientific discovery into (social) innovation is highly complex a process that can be interrupted by the application of unreliable research practices. Let’s look at the countermeasures Research Integrity experts are trying to create.

Panagiotis Kavouras
School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens

A special world conference and the time of Greece

The Research Integrity community meets every two years in the framework of the World Conferences on Research Integrity. We will follow their story, on the occasion of the organization of the 8th conference in Athens, in June 2024.

Panagiotis Kavouras
School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens